"Merrie Melodies" animated cartoons by Warner Bros. from 1931 to 1939, served as early music video precursors, featuring songs from the Warner music catalog. Raymond Scott's genius and diverse music highlighted this unique series.
In this project, Adalberto Ferrari reversed the norm, turning cartoons into frames for Raymond Scott's majestic music. A musical journey aimed at introducing children to great music and rediscovering Warner Bros.' marvelous cartoons.
Raymond Scott [1908-1994], a composer and pioneer of electronic music, is sometimes mistaken as the genius behind Bugs Bunny's iconic tunes.
Adalberto Ferrari, a versatile musician, collaborates with Musicamorfosi and leads Ferrari Jazz Chamber Inc. in reinterpreting Scott's music with a focus on rhythmic and expressive richness.
Merrie Melodies
Ferrari Jazz Chamber Inc.
Matteo Curcio